The first way: Import by one-click
Go to “Theme Options -> Demo importer” then choose demo you want to import
Note: If your Website had WordPress Importer Plugin was Activated, please Deactivate this Plugin before executing Import.
The second way: Import by XML Files
Step 1: Go to Tools -> Import
Step 2: Choose “WordPress” if your site has not install import plugin yet then click “Run Importer”.
If your site installed import plugin you click “Run Importer”
Step 3: Choose XML file in “ministore/inc/admin/demo_importer/demo-data/…” folder from download package on ThemeForest then click “Upload file and import” button. EX: You can import Demo 1 you choose file content.xml in folder “ministore/inc/admin/demo_importer/demo-data/Video Slider”
Step 4: Import Revo Slider, You go to Slider Revolution -> Import Slider and Choose file .zip in “ministore/inc/admin/demo_importer/demo-data/…” EX: You can import Demo 1 you choose file in folder “ministore/inc/admin/demo_importer/demo-data/Video Slider”
Step 5: Import Widget, You can install plugin “Widget Importer & Exporter” go to Tools -> Widget Importer & Exporter choose file “widgets.wie” in folder “ministore/inc/admin/demo_importer/demo-data/…” and import widgets.
Step 6: You go to Settings -> Reading in Front Page Displays choose A static page (select below)