How to add new tabs for tour or product

We got the question from some clients so we create a section on documentation about this.
The first way: First, we want to say “Thank You” to Nilambar Sharma – Author’s Woocommerce Product Tabs plugin on
Woocommerce Product Tabs plugin works very well with WooCommerce product, but it doesn’t work with a custom product data type. So we make some change on that plugin to work with the tour. You can download it at

The second way: Use plugin Custom Product Tabs for WooCommerce

** Remove a tab. You can add custom code below to file functions.php of theme

add_filter( 'tour_booking_default_product_tabs', 'remove_tour_booking_tabs', 98 );
function remove_tour_booking_tabs( $tabs ) {
unset( $tabs['location_tab'] );          // Remove the location  tab
return $tabs;