Get started
Hi everyone!
This is PhysCode team,
First of all, we would like to say a big “Thank you” for purchasing our Diazy WordPress Theme! We’re incredibly excited to get it into your hands. Moreover, to give the best services please follow these steps before you begin:
- Make sure that you check our documentation below carefully.
- We strongly encourage all of the customers to register our forum and submit a ticket for access to tutorials, our member forum, updates, and more!
Installing WordPress
Before installing a theme, you need to have WordPress. Here is to help you install WordPress.
Installing theme
A) To install our theme, you can do so in one of two ways:
1. The Simple, No Brainer, Piece of Cake Way:
Upload the file via the WordPress Admin Panel.
Step 1: Go to “Appearance -> Themes -> Add New”
Step 2: Select the “Upload Themes” tab at the top of the page. Then “Choose File” to locate the .zip folder on your computer. After doing so, select “Install Now.”
Note: The file is
Step 3: Navigate to “Appearance > Themes “ to activate the theme by clicking on “Activate” link.
2. The Roll Up Your Sleeves and Use a Little Elbow Grease Method: Uncompress the file and upload the template contents to the /wp-content/ themes/ directory of your WordPress installation via your chosen FTP client.
Neither method has an advantage over the other, it is simply a matter of preference
B) To Install Require plugins
After you have installed the theme with two ways above, you need installing require plugins. It is an important step too. You can do that with steps:
- After theme install, go to Appearance -> Begin installing plugins
2. Go to “Appearance -> Install Plugins” and do these steps below
3. A confirmation notice that your plugins are activated.
Import Demo
There are 2 ways to do it:
- The first way: Import by one-click
Go to Theme Options -> Demo importer then choose demo you want to import
Note: If your Website had WordPress Importer Plugin was Activated, please Deactivate this Plugin before executing Import.
- The second way: Import by XML Files
Step 1: Go to Tools -> Import
Step 2: Choose “WordPress” if your site has not install import plugin yet then click “Run Importer“.
If your site installed import plugin you click “Run Importer“
Step 3: Choose XML file in “diazy/inc/admin/demo_importer/demo-data/” folder from download package on ThemeForest then click “Upload file and import” button
Theme options
Here is a sample of “Theme options”. All instructions are written below. Remember, all the changes you have to “Save Changes“.
General Settings
You can config these parts from General Settings
- Main Menu
- Sticky Menu
- Sub Menu
- Mobile Menu
Display Settings
Note: You can set changes the layout in all parts: Archive Settings and Post and Page settings
Enter the number of words you want to cut from the content to be the excerpt of search and archive in Excerpt Length
Archive Settings
Your settings here will change in categories of posts.
+ You can set the archive page sidebar left, sidebar right or no sidebar.
+ Select Style: Grid Post Layout or List Post Layout
+ Hide title, Hide Breadcrumbs, Background Heading Color, and Text Color
Post & Page settings
Your settings here will change on the single page (post detail and page detail) and the way is similar to Archive settings
+ Preloading: You can show or hide this option.
+ Layout: There are 2 kinds of layout: Boxes and Wide
Boxes: The content of the site will appear as boxes and the remaining area is Background Pattern. You can choose sorts of background in our options.
Wide: The content of the site will show all page.
+ Config Body Background, Theme Primary Color and Theme Second Color, Text Color Button
In typography settings, you can set the font size, font heading, and color for the font. The color will the active to an active menu, hover and heading H1, H2, H3…
Besides you also can set font body, font title and font size for your site.
Import / Export
If you already set up in “Them options” just click “Copy data” and “Import” in a new demo.
You can Import or Export all settings from Theme options to Theme options of a new site.
Building Pages with WP Bakery Page Builder
Visual Composer plugin included in your package. Just drag and drop, you can build easily your pages.
I prefer you to read this instruction of WP Bakery Page Builder
Here is the example:
How to use Slider Revolution
I highly recommend you to read this instruction
Here is the example:
Update Theme
We give you instruction of update theme based on Envato Market. Just scroll down and check steps (How to install?, The Settings Page, Theme Updates and Plugin Updates) below carefully.
Please following topic: How to update a theme
How to translate WordPress theme, plugins
Please follow below link:
How to activate Revolution Slider, Visual Composer
How to update plugin visual composer
Update Visual Composer:
- Go to Plugin -> Deactive plugin Visual Composer
- Click to Update Require
- Active plugin Visual Composer