Get started
From the entire PhysCode team, we want to personally thank you for purchasing Azen WordPress Theme! We’re incredibly excited to get it into your hands, and we invite you to check out our documentation below. We strongly encourage all of our customers to register at our member center for access to tutorials, our member forum, updates, and more!
1. Download The Theme Package
In order to download the theme, log into your ThemeForest account and go to your account profile. Then click on the download link. This is where you will find all of your ThemeForest purchases. Find Azen theme, click on the download button and select.
- Installable WordPress file only which you can upload when installing theme
- All files & documentation (full zip folder). You will need to extract and locate the installable WordPress file to upload when installing theme
2. WordPress Information
To install this theme you must have a working version of WordPress already installed. You should ALWAYS be running the latest version of WordPress anyway; otherwise you put your whole site at risk for potential threats in case using an outdated version of WordPress.
If you need help installing WordPress, follow the instructions in WordPress Codex. Below are all the useful links for WordPress information.
- WordPress Codex – General info about WordPress and how to install on your server.
- First Steps With WordPress – General info about multiple topics about WordPress.
- FAQ New To WordPress – The most popular FAQ’s regarding WordPress.
3. Recommended PHP Configuration Limits
Many issues that you may run into such as; white screen, demo content fails when importing, empty page content and other similar issues are all related to low PHP configuration limits. The solution is to increase the PHP limits. You can do this on your own, or contact your web host and ask them to increase those limits to a minimum as follows:
- memory_limit: 128M
- max_execution_time: 180
- upload_max_filesize: 64M
- post_max_size: 64M
- PHP time limit: 300
- PHP max input vars: 3000
After you download the package from ThemeForest, please unzip it. You’ll see a file called, which needs to be uploaded and installed.
Important: One of the most common reasons people have issues is because they try uploading the full zip that includes demo content, theme, documentation…etc which displays the “The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.” error. Please make sure you upload only the theme which is called
Now that you made sure WordPress is up to date, you can install the theme, and there are two ways to install Azen, via WordPress or via FTP.
1. Install Azen via WordPress
Step 1 – Log into your WordPress website and go to Appearance > Themes and click Add New.
Step 2 – Click Upload Theme.
Step 3 – Browse the file on your computer and click Install Now.
Step 4 – After the theme was installed successfully, just click to activate it.
If you get the “Are You Sure You Want To Do This” message when installing file via WordPress, it means you have an upload file size limit. You need to install the theme via FTP, or contact your hosting provider to increase the limit.
Install Azen via FTP
Step 1 – Unzip the file, you’ll get a folder azen.
Step 2 – Log into your hosting space via an FTP software (Use a FTP client like FileZilla).
Step 3 – Upload that folder to wp-content/themes folder on your host.
Step 4 – Go to Appearance > Themes and activate the Azen theme.
02. How To Install Plugins Included
The theme included Visual Composer & Slider Revolution licensing plugin, we purchased it from Codecanyon and included it for free in the theme package without any issues. However, if you want automatic updates and support from the plugin developer, you need to purchase it separately (this is 100% optional). Because we are not allowed to include the license key for it, so you DO NOT have a purchase code for that plugin and you can’t enter anything in this field. If there is any update, we are accountable for updating the theme with the newest version of this plugin.
After installing the Azen theme, you’ll see a notification on the top of the page that says the theme needs some plugins to function properly.
After clicking on “Begin installing plugins”, you will see the box below:
1. Check plugin button.
2. Select Install from the drop down list.
3. Click Apply button to Install all plugins.
The installation process may take few minutes, so please be patience. All installations have been completed.
Scrolling down and click on the link “Return to the Dashboard” to go back your Dashboard.
Import Demo
The first way: Import by one-click
Go to “Theme Options -> Demo importer” then choose demo you want to import
Note: If your Website had WordPress Importer Plugin was Activated, please Deactivate this Plugin before executing Import.
The second way: Import by XML Files
Step 1: Go to Tools -> Import
Step 2: Choose “WordPress” if your site has not install import plugin yet then click “Run Importer“.
If your site installed import plugin you click “Run Importer”
Step 3: Choose XML file in “azen/inc/admin/demo_importer/demo-data/…” folder from download package on ThemeForest then click “Upload file and import” button. EX: You can import Demo 1 you choose file content.xml in folder “azen/inc/admin/demo_importer/demo-data/Demo 1”
Step 4: Import Revolution Slider, You go to Slider Revolution -> Import Slider and Choose file .zip in folder package -> Slider and choose file zip for demo
Step 5: Import Widget, You can install plugin “Widget Importer & Exporter” after that Rename file “widgets.json” in “azen/inc/admin/demo_importer/demo-data/…” to “widgets.wie” and go to Tools -> Widget Importer & Exporter choose file “widgets.wie” and import widgets.
Blog Page
By default WordPress displays blog posts in front page but Azen theme uses a static page as its front page. So we’ll have to create a new page called Blog and will use it to display the blog posts.
Setting the Blog Page
- Navigate to Pages > Add New.
- Enter the title Blog and click on Publish.
- Navigate to Settings > Reading.
- Click on A static Page option for Front page displays.
- In the Posts page dropdown, choose the page you just created in step 2.
Theme Options
All site setting will configuration in theme options. So you need to understand all options before start configuration your site.
- Header
- Logo:
- Main Menu:
- Sub Menu
- Mobile Menu
- Logo:
- Display Settings
No 1,2 is configurations for Blog page
1, You can set blog page with sidebar left, sidebar right or no sidebar.
2, Set Background image or Background color for blog page heading area and set text color
No 3, 4 is configurations for Archive page. Configurations is similar as Blog page
No 5,6 is configurations for single post or page. - WooCommerce
- Typography
In typography settings, you can set primary color. The color will active to active menu, hover and heading H1, H2, H3 ..
Beside you also can set font body, font title and font size for your site. - Footer The section contains settings for footer: Background Color, Text Color, Font Size, Title Color and Font Size Title
- Custom CSS
If you want to make some custom CSS you can insert them to CSS Code box. - Import / Export
You can import or export all settings from Theme options or to Theme options. Please sure about Import action because all settings will replace by new settings.
Update Theme
We give you instruction of update theme based on Envato Market. Just scroll down and check steps (How to install?, The Settings Page, Theme Updates and Plugin Updates) below carefully.
Please following topic: How to update a theme
How to translate WordPress theme, plugins
Please follow below link:
How to activate Revolution Slider, Visual Composer
How to update plugin visual composer
Update Visual Composer:
- Go to Plugin -> Deactive plugin Visual Composer
- Click to Update Require
- Active plugin Visual Composer